URGENT: Amber Alert Issued For Two Missing Siblings In Jacksonville, FL (Updated - Both Found Safe & Unharmed) - B L A C K N E S S | U N C E N S O R E D

Monday, December 16, 2019

URGENT: Amber Alert Issued For Two Missing Siblings In Jacksonville, FL (Updated - Both Found Safe & Unharmed)

Just over 24 hours after Braxton Williams, 6, and his sister, 5-year-old Bri’ya Williams vanished from their front yard in a mobile home park off West Beaver Street, Jacksonville Sheriff Mike Williams said searchers “have found nothing.”

According to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, the children were reported missing by a family member about 1:30 p.m. Sunday after they were last seen about 11:30 a.m. while playing in the front yard of at the Paradise Village Mobile Home Park off Beaver just east of Chaffee Road. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement issued the Amber Alert about 5:15 p.m.

Williams said the Sheriff’s Office was utilizing state and regional partners and “every resource we can get” to find the children.

Despite all those resources and the parent’s cooperation with police, there is no indication of what happened to the children.

“Foul play could be a factor at this point. We just don’t know,” Williams said. “We’ve not no indication that anyone close to the children is involved.”

Williams added investigators have been “in heavy contact” with a couple of registered sex offenders who live in the mobile home park and others within a few-mile radius.

Williams asked members of the immediate area to be vigilant and search their properties. He also asked people throughout the community to be familiar with these children’s photos and report any sightings or anything that could provide a clue to what happened to these children.

“We’ve got a heavy focus in the trailer park today, and, obviously, it’s extended into the wooded area,” Williams said. “At this point, we’ll take anything we could get.”

Anyone who has seen the children or who has information about their whereabouts is asked to call the Sheriff’s Office at 904-630-0500.

You can read the full and complete story by clicking here

It's very important that everyone share, share and share. We need to bring both of these precious children home to their family. We are living in a time when you cannot take your eyes off your children not even for a second. It's not my place to speculate, but what I will say is im surprised no screams were heard or obvious struggle given that two children were taken. Was it someone they knew and trusted? I can only hope that whatever the case may be, that they're found safe and unharmed.

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