Black Police Officer Caught On Video Assaulting A Black Man With Bare Hands, UPDATED - B L A C K N E S S | U N C E N S O R E D

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Black Police Officer Caught On Video Assaulting A Black Man With Bare Hands, UPDATED

I expect this Police Officer to be fired and charged with assault. We need answers Baltimore Police Department, and we need them now. The man in the video did nothing wrong but exercise his Freedom of Speech just to get beat down. To add insult to injury he was beat down by a Black Police Officer who should know the daily struggles minorities face. 

The man in the video is seen bleeding from the mouth or possibly nose after getting punch repeatedly in the head and kicked. 

There's no justification for this at all when you're a Police Officer. Thankfully social media is getting involved and hopefully with enough pressure something is done. For any new developments be sure to subscribe to my blog and you can also check out my twitter at @BlacknessU

You can watch the video by clicking here.

After this story went viral I learned late last night that the Police Officer was suspended pending and investigation, and his partner who stood by and did nothing was assigned to administrative task. I'm wondering how come assault charges have not been filed?


A Baltimore police officer was suspended after a video of him beating and attacking a man went viral. The officer, his partner and the private citizen are all black.

The police confrontation with Dashawn McGrier, 26, occurred around noon Saturday on the sidewalk in front of Q & # 39; s Bar and Liquors in the 2600 block of East Monument Street in East Baltimore.

"I am deeply concerned about the behavior I witnessed today," said interim Baltimore police commissioner Gary Tuggle in a statement.

"While I have the expectation that officers are out of their cars, on foot and engaging citizens, I hope it will be done professionally and constitutionally, I have zero tolerance for behavior as I saw it in today's video," Tuggle continued. .

 McGrier was arrested but was not criminally charged for the incident, police said. His lawyer said he had been taken to a hospital and that X-rays of his jaw, nose and ribs were to be taken on Saturday night for alleged fractures in the altercation.

You can read more by clicking here.

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