Carla Maloney Resigns After Racist Facebook Rant Against NFL Players - B L A C K N E S S | U N C E N S O R E D

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Carla Maloney Resigns After Racist Facebook Rant Against NFL Players


A Republican Committee of Beaver County official who called black NFL players “bab**ns” on Facebook has resigned. 

Carla Maloney, former secretary of the organization, called her own comments “distasteful, inappropriate and insensitive” in her resignation letter to committee Chair Chip Kohser. 

“Those that know me know that I come from a diverse family that represents modern America,” Maloney wrote in the letter. “I know my posts and comments were disrespectful to not only the people that I love, but families across the country.” 

Maloney apologized to people offended by her posts. 

“I know I am a better person than this and, as I step away from these public positions, I will work to show everyone who I truly am,” Maloney wrote. 

In the letter, she resigned from her post as secretary and as an elected member of the committee. 

“The views expressed in her posts are abhorrent and have no place in reasonable public discourse. We denounce these comments in the strongest terms possible,” the Republican Committee of Beaver County posted to its website Friday. 

The Facebook page where Maloney made the comments has been taken down.
According to the Beaver County Times, Maloney’s posts were directed at players kneeling during the national anthem

“Tired of these over paid ignorant blacks telling me what I should believe in. I will tell you what I believe in and that is our Flag the National Anthem and America period end of story,” the Times reported she wrote. “You don’t like it here go to Africa see how you like it there. We are all Americans not African American not Hispanic American. WE ARE ALL AMERICAN.” 

Maloney disgusting rant gets worst, you can click here to read the full and complete story. I hope she realize her rant just gave our cause even more attention, and a clear picture of why players in the NFL kneel and will continue to kneel whether it's on the field or in the locker room. Perhaps she should listen to her own words about earning respect. As long as America been around African Americans have faced oppression. Innocent Black men and women killed for simply being Black. The list goes on. I am glad she resigned. 

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