Vermont's Only Black State Representive Announces Immediate Resignation After Racist Attacks - B L A C K N E S S | U N C E N S O R E D

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Vermont's Only Black State Representive Announces Immediate Resignation After Racist Attacks

In the short but sweet Facebook post, Morris explained that she originally planned to complete her term, which ran through 2019, but deferred to family matters, in addition to citing “continued harassment,” which she charges local police have not been responsive to.

“My husband is beginning the long physical journey of recovery following extensive open-heart surgery. We face continued harassment and seek legal remedies to the harm endured,” she wrote. “I step away now to focus on caring for and supporting my family during this time of transition and ensure our health, safety and well-being are prioritized.”

The New York Times notes that Morris, a Democrat, was elected to represent the town of Bennington in 2014 and is the second African-American woman to serve in the State Legislature in Vermont’s history. As it now stands, there are only four remaining people of color—two men and two women—in the 180-member body.

Morris outlined some of the specifics of the attacks to the Times, saying they came in “waves,” and that she had been vandalized inside of her home. “We found there were swastikas painted on the trees in the woods near where we live. We had home invasions,” she said.

The Vermont Attorney General’s office is currently investigating the threats.

You can read more by clicking here

I believe this woman because it happens everyday, even to average people in work places that are African American. I do wish she would have stood her ground and continued on, however I understand especially given her husband health. Unfortunately we all know this so called "investigation" will lead to nothing and eventually we will hear nothing about this anymore. 

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