Black Teen Identifies As White, Goes On To Insult Black People - B L A C K N E S S | U N C E N S O R E D

Friday, October 26, 2018

Black Teen Identifies As White, Goes On To Insult Black People

Dr. Phil invited a 16-year-old black girl onto his show this week who insists she is white — even going so far as to say that she’s “completely and utterly” better than black people.

“I just know that I am white. I can feel it through my veins,” the teen claimed during her intro.

“When it comes to black people, I think they’re all ugly — and I have nothing in common with them,” she said. “I’ll never be like any of those n—oes.”

Identified only by her first name, Treasure, the young girl made a slew of racist statements about her “supposed race” during Wednesday’s episode, which caused an uproar on social media.

“This is the true definition of self hate,” wrote one Twitter user, who was retweeted more than 1,300 times.

“Where does Dr. Phil find these people,” another said.

Many viewers felt Treasure was putting on a performance for the cameras, but her mother, Monique, told Dr. Phil that she “truly believes she is white.”

“My daughter is a racist against her own race,” she said, claiming the teen is “consumed with the Ku Klux Klan.”

“I’ve had the KKK’s number since I was in middle school,” Treasure proclaimed. “The way they believe is just so smart.”

You can read the full and complete story by clicking here

There are many different reactions to this; from people saying this is fake and how her cousin allegedly exposed her and she did it all for a check; to this being very real. Whatever the case may be this young lady is a very sad individual and she's disgusting. Her parents clearly failed her and instead of people wishing bad things on her like I have read, lets just not associate ourselves with her. Lets make sure she gets social media famous and lets not do business with her and just leave her alone.  I just want all of my Black people to know how wonderful all of us are and how strong we are to go through stuff like this and still keep our heads up high. Dr. Phil should have kept this one off t.v. When she gets older and starts looking for a job I need everyone to remember her face. She does not belong in any work environment that caters to all.

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