Sheriff Disgustingly Mocks Nike By Having Inmates Wear Nike Shirts In Mug Shots - B L A C K N E S S | U N C E N S O R E D

Friday, October 12, 2018

Sheriff Disgustingly Mocks Nike By Having Inmates Wear Nike Shirts In Mug Shots


"It's all a big misunderstanding," said the Union County sheriff. 

According to a post from Shaun King, a civil rights activist, the Union County Sheriff’s Office were allegedly putting Nike shirts on its inmates for mug shots in protest of the company's deal with Colin Kaepernick.

We went directly to Sheriff Ricky Roberts to Verify if the viral social media claims were true.

“It's unfortunate that we're having to have this conversation,” Roberts said. “It was a shirt that was commonly used to provide some dignity to our inmates coming to our jail.”

The post that started it all appeared at 7:37 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 10 from the King’s Twitter account, In addition to leading protests at Black Lives Matter events, King is a contributing writer for media outlet The Intercept.

The post featured between 16 and 20 mugshots of people all wearing the same t-shirts made by Nike. King credited a source for telling him the intent was to mock the shoe company's recent "Just Do It" campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick, the former NFL quarterback who protested police violence against blacks by kneeling during the National Anthem.

As the controversy flared, The sheriff's department took down every mug shot on the jail roster. They then offered to retake photos of the 20 inmates wearing the Nike shirts. The sheriff expected all photos restored within a day or two.

You can read the full and complete story by clicking here

So apparently this Sheriff must think people have "stupid" written on their forehead. He knew exactly what he was doing when those mugshots were taken. That's how I know Colin Kaepernick is doing something right and the racist are just crawling out of their skin in disgust. I hope the victims look into legal options. It doesn't matter if they are inmates, they are still human at the end of the day and are innocent until proven guilty. This was no mistake nor misunderstanding. All involved should be fired.

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