White St. Luis Woman Blocked Black Man From Entering His Apartment, Said She Felt "Uncomfortable". - B L A C K N E S S | U N C E N S O R E D

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

White St. Luis Woman Blocked Black Man From Entering His Apartment, Said She Felt "Uncomfortable".

A black man arrived at the entrance to the building where he lives in St. Louis late Friday night only to find himself blocked by a white neighbor who demanded proof he lived there.

“Please move, ma’am,” the man, D’Arreion Toles, says in a video he recorded of the encounter, which shows the woman with her dog on a leash standing in the doorway at the condominium complex, the Elder Shirt Lofts.

“I can,” she responds. “Do you live here?”

“I’ve already answered that question,” Mr. Toles, 24, replies as he continues to try to get in. “Excuse me.”

But the woman, Hilary Brooke Mueller, refused to move as she continued to ask Mr. Toles what unit he lived in and to see his key fob. When he declined to tell her, she remained in his path.

“If you want to come into my building —” she begins to say in the video.

“It’s not your building, you’re not the owner,” Mr. Toles says, getting past her. “Excuse me.”

Mr. Toles posted videos of the episode on his Facebook page on Saturday and they quickly spread on social media, where the then-unidentified woman was derisively referred to as “Apartment Patty.”

Over the weekend, Ms. Mueller’s employer, Tribeca-STL, which manages real estate elsewhere in the city, said in a statement on its website that it had reviewed the video and fired her. Tribeca does not own the building where Mr. Toles and Ms. Mueller live.

“The Tribeca-STL family is a minority-owned company that consists of employees and residents from many racial backgrounds,” officials with the company, an apartment complex in St. Louis, said. “We are proud of this fact and do not and never will stand for racism or racial profiling at our company.”

Mr. Toles said on Sunday that about 30 minutes after he got into his unit, a police officer knocked on his door and told him that Ms. Mueller felt “uncomfortable” about Mr. Toles being there. He said he told the officer that he was renting the unit and that he had shown Ms. Mueller his key fob.

Ms. Mueller could not be reached to comment. The Metropolitan Police Department in St. Louis said in an email on Monday that it responded to a 911 call that “was made because the caller did not know if the male subject was a tenant.”

On Facebook, Mr. Mueller, who has a black father and white mother, posted a video in which he said he was disappointed about what happened. He said he had been separated from Ms. Mueller for more than a year and had not lived in the Elder Shirt Lofts building for just as long.

He said that he did not condone Ms. Mueller’s actions and that he had sent a Facebook message to Mr. Toles to show support. Mr. Mueller said Mr. Toles handled the situation in an “exceptional manner.”

Mr. Toles, who runs a marketing consulting company, urged people not to bother Ms. Mueller.

“Some people think I should have went after her more,” he said. “I’m not going to go after her. My whole purpose is to turn this negative into a positive.”

You can read the full and complete story by clicking here

It's really sad that stuff like this is still happening. The way Mr. Toles handled this was simply amazing. He handled her with class and respect, something she clearly doesn't have nor was ever taught. There should definitely be a law against people like this, especially given how Black people are being killed by police. All it takes is for one call and the wrong police officer responding.

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