White Woman Calls Police On Black Man Babysitting White Children - B L A C K N E S S | U N C E N S O R E D

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

White Woman Calls Police On Black Man Babysitting White Children

A black youth mentor who was babysitting the children of white family friends was questioned by Georgia police this weekend after a white woman called 911 after seeing him with the kids.

A spokesman for the Cobb County Police Department confirmed one of their officers pulled Corey Lewis’ car over Sunday afternoon in response to a call. The spokesman did not have information on details of the incident, but Lewis documented the encounter on Facebook Live.

He also captured footage of the woman after she confronted him and the two children in a Walmart parking lot, asking the children if they needed help. The woman’s identity is not known.

Lewis told CBS46 the woman threatened to report his license plate number to the authorities when they brushed her off after she confronted them.

The babysitter kept filming as the woman followed him in her car for nearly an hour.

Lewis told CBS46 the woman followed him home, and that a Cobb County officer arrived moments later.

In the footage, the officer can be seen questioning the children, who according to CB46 are 10 and 6. The officer then called the parents of the children — who told CBS46 they were shocked by the situation.

“I said, ‘Are you saying that because there’s an African American male driving my two white kids, that he was stopped and pulled over and questioned?’ and he said, ‘I’m sorry ma’am, that’s exactly what I’m saying,” the mother told the station.

You can read the full and complete story by clicking here

Without a doubt this woman should be charged with some form of harassment. I'm glad he got it all on video. It's really sad but not surprising. 

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