Single Mother of 5 Passes Bar Exam, Achieves Lifelong Goal - B L A C K N E S S | U N C E N S O R E D

Monday, November 5, 2018

Single Mother of 5 Passes Bar Exam, Achieves Lifelong Goal

Champs, 33, of Houston, had a tough childhood. Her parents were addicted to drugs so she lived with her grandparents for a while before being placed in foster care. She eventually dropped out of high school. 

"I didn't have the guidance," she told ABC News. "I didn't have the stability." 

When she was 19, she became a mother and later had to get a job to support her son, David Jr. She later went to have four more children: Davien, 12; Khassidy, 11; Kaleb, 8; and E'mani, 5. David Jr. is now 14. 

Then, almost 10 years ago, Champs said, one of the members of her church called her with a message and a reminder about a dream Champs had since she was 7 years old. 

"She said, 'God told me to tell you that you need to go back to school to get your GED because that lawyer you want to be, you're going to be it,'" Champs said. 

Champs said she was skeptical. At the time, she'd lost her job and had lost all of her family's belongings in a house fire. She was pregnant again and had just learned that her children's father had cancer. She said she felt hopeless. 

After she received her GED, she went a step further, applying to Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University. She was accepted. Champs said getting through those three years of law school was a family affair. 

"I went through law school, not by myself. I had such an amazing support system," she said. "My sister has been my rock. ... She would come pick my children up and bring them home. ... God sent me a group of friends who are just amazing. My other sister would come over to help with the kids.

Champs called her children "mini lawyers," not only quizzing her with flash cards and serving as her mock jury before examinations but also stepping up to cook dinner and helping get each other ready for school each morning. 

"My children mean the absolute world to me. ... There have been so many times that I wanted to quit law school -- I probably quit 10 times in my head already. ... They helped me because at the end of the day, I wasn't the only one who had to sacrifice, my children had to sacrifice," she said. "We did it collectively as a group. ... They were my motivation to keep pressing, keep going." 

After she graduates in May, she plans to study for the Texas bar exam and get a job offer at a law firm. She said her future goal is to become a federal judge. 

"I look at these graduation photos and I say, 'This is here a woman who knew that the odds were against her and she destroyed them,'" Champs said. "I mean, wow!" 

You can read the full and complete story by clicking here

First let me say Congratulations, If this doesn't motivate anyone else then nothing will. Anything and everything is possible you just have to make it happen. There are many community colleges that offer free to low cost Ged classes to help you pass the official test. There's always a way to success. Some have it easy, while many of us have it hard but it can be done. I wish Champs the very best in life.

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