Alabama Pastor's Truck Vandalized With Racist Graffiti - B L A C K N E S S | U N C E N S O R E D

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Alabama Pastor's Truck Vandalized With Racist Graffiti

A pastor in Gadsden woke up Sunday morning to find his truck vandalized with racist graffiti.

Pastor K. Solomon Williams, who preaches at the Mount Pleasant CME Church in Piedmont, awoke to find his Ford F-150 pickup spray painted on three sides with a racial slur as well as a swastika.

He says Gadsden police are investigating the matter and expect to give him a report Tuesday.

He also says he thinks he knows who did this and says the next time they show up in his yard to do this, he may exercise his rights under the "stand your ground" law.

"If they come back on my property, I know this is a stand-your-ground state. And so, I'm not going to let someone come and hurt my family at any given time. And I'll stand my ground if I have to," says Rev. Williams.

The racist graffiti wasn't the only thing the vandals did.

They also flattened all four of the truck's tires, broke the side windows and put Rev. Williams' garden hose into the cab's interior and left the water running.

Rev. Williams said he had planned to give the truck to his son.

Twenty Four Seven Towing in Gadsden has offered to tow the pickup at no charge.

You can go to the official story by clicking here.


I don't think I will ever understand the logic of racist. They claim to be some of your most Godly people and insist racism doesn't exist, but goes on to do stuff like this. I wish Rev. Williams all the best and I truly hope he remain safe. 

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