Mississippi Hospital Employee Fired Over Racial Slur Towards Woman - B L A C K N E S S | U N C E N S O R E D

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Mississippi Hospital Employee Fired Over Racial Slur Towards Woman

29-year-old Keaundrea Wardlaw, who filmed the video, said she was working at the Flowood Donut Palace when the man entered the store just after 7:00 a.m. Saturday.

Wardlaw says the man appeared upset when he walked into the store. He ordered a specific donut, and they didn't have it. When she told him they did not have the donut, she said he got loud with her.  

Wardlaw says she refused him service when he began to yell, so the man asked to speak with a manager. 

The manager wasn't in yet, but Wardlaw says the manager's son was there. The man kept telling her to "shut up" then Wardlaw says he told her to "shut her f$%# mouth."

Wardlaw says things escalated from there. The man used a racial slur by saying, "You're a n#$%" as he walked out the door. He then repeated it several times before leaving.

Mississippi Baptist Medical Center tweeted a statement concerning the incident two days later:
"We are aware of the confrontation captured on video involving one of our off duty employees at a local donut shop. We take this situation very seriously.  This employee's language and behavior does not represent our organization's values and his employment has been terminated.  

We want our patients, employees, physicians and our community to know that we find the language used in the video to be completely unacceptable and inconsistent with what we expect from employees or anyone associated with our organization.  We are committed to a work environment that is inclusive and where everyone is respected and valued."

The official story link.


While it's unfortunate these incidents keeps happening, I am glad since people are actually being punished for their actions. The hospital was right when they decided to fire Thomas. I have always said anyone who's racist should not be a Police Officer, Doctor, Lawyer, etc. It leads to unfortunate things. 

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