Andrew Gillum Wins Florida Democratic Nomination - B L A C K N E S S | U N C E N S O R E D

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Andrew Gillum Wins Florida Democratic Nomination

In a surprising win, Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum earned the Democratic nomination in Florida’s primary race for governor Tuesday night, putting him in a position to become the state’s first black governor if he wins in November, the Washington Post reports.

Gwen Graham, a former member of Congress who was the Democratic frontrunner and led in the polls for most of the race, came in second. Gillum will face the Donald Trump-endorsed GOP nominee Rep. Ron DeSantis in the general election.

Gillum, 39, ran on a progressive platform that includes Medicare for all, paying teachers $50,000 per year, and abolishing ICE. He trailed in the polls for most of the race, but made a significant surge over the last few weeks. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ endorsement two weeks ago and infusion of cash and mobilization support also proved crucial. 

You can read more by clicking here

“I am overwhelmed,” Gillum told a cheering crowd of supporters at a victory party at Hotel Duval in downtown Tallahassee. “I want you to know that this thing is not about me. This race is about every single one of us. Those of us inside this room. Those outside of this room. Those who voted for me. Those who didn’t vote at all. And those who didn’t vote for me because they are Republicans. But I want to be their governor, too.”


Andrew Gillum is running for Governor to rebuild Florida into a state that works for all of us. He knows everyone deserves good-paying jobs so they can support their families. He wants to protect and expand Floridians’ access to quality, affordable healthcare, especially people with pre-existing conditions. He knows we need to strengthen our public schools and end the culture of high-stakes testing.

As Governor, he will fight against the special interests that are standing in the way of taking real action on climate change, and he will always ensure Florida is a welcoming and safe place for everyone, no matter where they come from, who they love or how they identify.

Andrew was born in Miami where his mother drove a school bus and his father was a construction worker. He was the first in his family to graduate college and he went on to become the youngest person in history elected to the Tallahassee City Commission, before later becoming Mayor. He has a proud record of 15 years in public service.

As Mayor, Andrew developed a thriving innovation economy, beat the gun lobby in court to protect commonsense reform and stood up to President Trump and Governor Rick Scott to defend immigrants.

You can read more about him by clicking here

I urge everyone to get out and vote. This election is not only a big one but also an important one. Andrew Gillum could be the answer for the Black community.

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