The UK Black History Month Website Brought Down Twice By Hackers In 24 Hours - B L A C K N E S S | U N C E N S O R E D

Friday, October 5, 2018

The UK Black History Month Website Brought Down Twice By Hackers In 24 Hours


The website, which includes resources for schools and details of forthcoming events, first fell prey to a cyber-attack at 8.45am on Monday. Its IT team worked through the night and the site came back online on Tuesday morning, but was attacked again. It was again restored on Tuesday afternoon, but the website’s editors warned that further attacks were possible.

Patrick Vernon, the editor of Black History Month magazine, said the initial attack was tracked to an IP address in Doncaster, South Yorkshire. He said: “Our website is the most popular in the UK on black history. I think it was done deliberately to ensure the content’s not available or accessible. I believe as a result of the Windrush scandal, there’s been a real interest in black history.

“People are now speaking about the black experience in a more public way than a few years ago, and whoever has done this wants to stop it. It’s very clear, I think. What we are experiencing now is part of a wider context of cyber-racism.”

The Black History Month website is online throughout the year, but interest peaks in October, when it contains listings of thousands of commemorative events and a print magazine produced to mark the occasion is uploaded on to the website.

Vernon said: “We thought initially it was because Black History Month was trending, because there has been a lot of interest on social media and in newspapers, including the Guardian. It is very clear that it has been targeted by hackers in the UK. We don’t know who it is, but it’s clear whoever they are picked on us yesterday deliberately [on the first day of Black History Month].”

Visitors to the website were greeted with the message: “The website is temporarily unable to service your request as it exceeded resource limit. Please try again later.”

Vernon said the attacks had not yet been reported to police because the priority was to work with the site’s IT team to get the website up and running again.

You can read the full and complete story by clicking here

You cannot and will not erase Black history and that's a fact. Thankfully when it comes down to the internet you can find information about Black History Month just about anywhere. For the longest the white race have tried to control other races and now that it's no longer working they have been going to desperate lengths trying to bring misery upon the Black race from calling the police while we engaged in everyday activities, shooting us and claiming they feared for their lives, and now taking their hatred on the internet to the next level by hacking.  I think it's sad and pathetic, however hate will never win.

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