Andrew Gillum Concedes After Hard Fought Governors Race In Florida - B L A C K N E S S | U N C E N S O R E D

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Andrew Gillum Concedes After Hard Fought Governors Race In Florida

Democrat Andrew Gillum has conceded the race for Florida governor to Republican Ron DeSantis, marking a major win for the GOP in their bid to hold on to the top job in the nation's largest swing state.

"Earlier this evening, I called Mr. Ron DeSantis and congratulated him on what we expect will be him as the next governor of the great state of Florida," Gillum told supporters Tuesday night.

"I want you to know that in spite of our congratulating him on his victory this evening, nothing we believe in has be compromised."

DeSantis' apparent victory is a key accomplishment for Republicans, who feared that an energetic Democratic base and dissatisfaction with President Trump among moderate voters could cost them the governorship in the country's third-most-populous state.

The race between DeSantis and Gillum pitted two candidates from dueling ends of the political spectrum. 

DeSantis, a former congressman who raised his national profile through frequent appearances on Fox News, cast himself as an intensely loyal ally of the president, building large parts of his campaign around a vow to cooperate with the Trump administration.

Meanwhile, Gillum, who secured the endorsement of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) earlier this year, campaigned on a message of increasing corporate taxes in the state, raising the minimum wage to $15 and expanding Medicaid. If elected, Gillum would have been Florida's first African-American governor.

You can read the full and complete story by clicking here

I believe this is why many of us feel that voting is just a waste of time. The race was very close, so close I personally feel Andrew Gillum should consider a presidential run. I also think now is the time Democrats needs to really get it together and built a stronger platform since something is obviously missing.



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