White Man Arrested After Assaulting Black Teenage Girl In Asheville, NC - B L A C K N E S S | U N C E N S O R E D

Monday, January 14, 2019

White Man Arrested After Assaulting Black Teenage Girl In Asheville, NC

A North Carolina man was arrested on Saturday after video showed him pushing and punching a girl at a local mall as he was surrounded by dozens of onlookers.

Asheville, North Carolina, authorities arrested 51-year-old David Steven Bell shortly after video circulated on social media showing a man suspected to be him shoving a child and then punching her in the face at the Asheville Mall, WLOS reports

The video shows a crowd of mostly teens gathered outside the mall around a man who appears to be Bell. One young girl approaches him, and he responds by forcefully pushing her. As she approaches him again, the man punches her in the face with all of his man strength, knocking her to the ground.

The Citizen-Times reports that all parties involved refused medical treatment. Bell was charged with assault on a female under the age of 12 and two counts of assault on a female. It appears that Bell was released shortly after his arrest, as he is “not listed as a current inmate in Buncombe County Detention Center’s online records.”

You can read the full and complete story by clicking hereIf you would like to see the video it's also included in the link on the Twitter user page. Because we try to keep our blog user friendly as much as possible we decided not to put it on here.

Now from around the web there were a few mixed emotions. Some people saying she shouldn't have been acting grown, and others like myself just completely upset. However I think it's time parents have another talk with their children about approaching grown folks like this, especially in 2019 when Wypipo are attacking people of color. The teenager who was assaulted could've easily been shot and the man saying he feared for his life. This could've taken an even more ugly turn. I'm glad she's ok and I hope the man who assaulted this young girl is sentenced to the max. You don't hit a child like that.

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